By-product Processing

Serving farms, abattoirs, cutting & packing plants, butchers’ shops, food manufacturers and supermarkets, SARIA’s UK operations process over one million tonnes of animal and other foodchain by-products each year.

SARVAL operates Category 3 rendering plants processing raw animal by-products from abattoirs, meat processing plants and butchers’ shops to produce a range of tallows and processed animal proteins (PAP). PAP is used as a source of protein for incorporation into dried pet food products.

With a strong focus on research and development, SARVAL’s plants have benefited from continuous investment in new technology and environmental control systems to ensure that product quality, safety and emissions standards are consistently second-to-none and comply with all relevant legislation and operating permits.

To arrange for a collection, please call our Customer Support Centre:

National Customer Support Centre
Mancetter Road Hartshill,
CV10 0TA

Tel: +44 (0) 24 7639 3436
Fax: +44 (0) 24 7639 7266

SARVAL operates at the following location:

SARVAL (Hartshill) Limited
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
(Category 3 material)